Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Harry, the Beloved Professor, and the End of an Era

Thursday evening into Friday morning, July 15th, 2011...

So, alongside an enormous contingent of The Group That Shall Not Be Named, we journeyed forth unto the movie theatre to commune with our beloved witches and wizards one last time.

(And several of us ended up in the New York Times)

Anyone who has followed me for any amount of time likely knows the following:

- I default easily, comfortably and rather joyfully to Narcissa Malfoy when dressing for such events.

- I am a Slytherin in ambition, love of spooky things, love for head of house and utterly Slytherin in my fashion.

- I am a Ravenclaw in my politics/social issues. (Sort of a Slytherclaw; I'd be like Luna's black-sheep cousin who would say the same odd stuff she says, only way creepier).

- I am rather enamoured with Severus Snape. (Understatement of century.)

I was utterly taken in and wholly overwhelmed by this film, and also by confronting the fact that I must soon write the final book in my own fantasy series. When moved and overwhelmed I take solace in lists. So. I have seven things to say, because seven is a magical number in every way and if I don't limit myself here, I might just babble on for ages. But I have my own books to write and deadlines stare me dead in the eye. So...

1. Thank you, Ms. Rowling. You are my hero.

2. If a packed-to-the-gills theatre can be reduced to shrieks or sobs just by showing the beloved face of someone we know is about to die in the maddening parade of death that is the Deathly Hallows, something special has occurred that their very images are so real to us that we cannot bear to see them go.

3. F YEAH, Neville!

4. "I've always wanted to use that spell." ... Kick-ass.

5. Dear God. The Prince's Tale keeps scrolling through my mind, over and over again in an aching, heart-wrenching loop.

6. OMG with the weeping. So. Much. Weeping.

7. "Always."

*swoon* *die* *sob* *swoon* *sob* *adoration*

I will Always adore you, Harry, and everyone in your world.

Thank you, J.K.

Forever and Always.


raven said...

It's okay, I keep Ravenclaw plenty creepy.

houndstooth said...

I agree! I really loved the movie, and I thought it was a really fitting ending to the series. I think back to when I first picked up the first Harry Potter book to seeing the last movie, and good heaven, it's an era of my life!