But no more kisses for Oscar, according to the UK Guardian. The oils have caused damage to the stone, which is a sculptural work of art in and of itself, and the grave will now have a barrier around it.
While I wholly understand the reasoning behind protecting the beloved author's stone from these discouraged (yes, it could have resulted in a fine) displays of affection, I confess, I don't regret, per that tradition, showing my adoration. Here I am paying my respects:
After bestowing the kiss I left a note, under a rock, asking Oscar for his blessing on DARKER STILL.
As I say in the first lines of the Acknowledgement Page of the novel: "My dear Oscar Wilde, thank you for Dorian Gray, and for your genius. I'd like to think that if I had the privilege of knowing you, we'd have gotten along famously. Regardless, I am eternally your fan."
I was quite overcome at the site. I cried, thinking of all the trials he endured in his too-short life. I look forward to revisiting Paris, and Oscar, again, to see his brilliantly restored grave, and to pay my respects at a slight distance, but with no less love.
I know I'll ask for Mr. Wilde's blessing on the rest of the Magic Most Foul saga as I continue writing it. XOXO, Oscar.
Yesterday, I checked out a book of Oscar Wilde's stories from the school library. What a pleasure it is to read them again. Oscar had such an immense understanding of the human condition. His love and compassion endures through the words he continues to share posthumously with his readers.
It makes me kind of sad to know that I won't be able to step up to his grave the next time I'm in Paris, but I understand the need to preserve it. After all, we can still toss flowers over the barrier, correct?
Sheesh, I won't be allowed to get wild on Wilde.
*prepares to whine for the next 20 years*
For now, I live vicariously through your photographs.
@Woedlville "an immense understanding of the human condition." - Truer words were never spoken!
@Jennilee - He'll love tossed flowers, I'm sure. xoxo
@Bee - "Wild on Wilde" - might be my new fave phrase. Deeply honoured to be your vicarious photographical connection to 19th century luminaries. :)
It doesnt surprise Me they had to wall Oscar's grave off but it does make Me sad. At least You went and were able to kiss him for Us <3
It doesnt surprise Me they had to wall Oscar's grave off but it does make Me sad. At least You went and were able to kiss him for Us <3
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