Saturday, April 19, 2008

Behind the Scenes #2 Live from RT!

Hello from the Romantic Times convention in PA!

It's been a crazy few days with lots of panels, discussions, awards ceremonies, business meetings, self-promotion and a whole lot of crazy costumes (definately a fun part)

To get a peek at the adventures, my friends Liz Maverick and Marianne Mancusi have posted RT video blogs at their Rebels of Romance page, beautifully captured by the talented Miss Media Productions. It may be a where's waldo moment, but you can see me in the first video for a few seconds at my publisher's booth, Crescent Moon Press, in my attempt at a Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica out-of-uniform costume.

RT has been a great way to make new friends, learn more about the industry, pitch to high-profile editors and promote my upcoming novella Dark Nest!

(plus wear some great costumes, tonight was the vampire ball - yum)

I've learned that people are more likely to take your promotional materials from your basket if there's chocolate involved.

1 comment:

Marcia Colette said...

Liz and Marianne are awesome!! I was so glad to finally meet those guys and told them their customes were awesome despite that flack from Nationals last year. They went out there and did their thing. ;) Simple as that.