To mark this day I'm encouraging you all to tell a friend about DARKER STILL if you loved it. Or tell an enemy if you hated it. Regardless, first books in a new series always need a little extra love, oomph, and marquee attention, especially on a debut effort onto new shelves. So I'm incentivizing your word-of-mouth action by entering you dear book-talkers into a contest for one of the limited ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) copies I will receive sometime in June of the Magic Most Foul sequel, releasing this November, titled THE TWISTED TRAGEDY OF MISS NATALIE STEWART.
5 reasons to check out DARKER STILL: A NOVEL OF MAGIC MOST FOUL if you haven't already:
1. There’s a haunted painting. A British Lord is trapped inside. And he’s really good looking. (See, that’s three reasons just in one). Feel free to snag that #Denburylicious badge and use it on your site! (Just please link to my site or a Darker Still product page).
2. Natalie Stewart, a spirited and opinionated young woman everyone can cheer for, overcomes danger, incredible personal odds and adversity to save lives and save the day.
3. It will give you the shivers. Lots. Promise. I’ve been told that Natalie’s dreams are not to be read right before bedtime.
4. Set in 1880 New York City at the brand new Metropolitan Museum of Art, Darker Still is full of danger, intrigue, mystery, curses, spooky magic, nightmares, disguises and pretty dresses!!!
5. It was chosen as an INDIE NEXT recommended book by the American Booksellers Association, and considering the sequel will be out this fall, you'd best start now…
THE RULES to be entered to be one of the first to receive an ARC of THE TWISTED TRAGEDY OF MISS NATALIE STEWART: (Again, my ARCs will arrive in June from Sourcebooks)
It's easy. Just comment below and share how you told friends about DARKER STILL in any number of ways. Just please be sure to comment, I'M NOT PSYCHIC. (Some of my characters may be, but I'm not). As you share, please leave some link as to how to contact you if you win the ARC!
Possible ways to participate in National Tell-a-friend-about-Darker-Still Day - any one of these is an entry:
- Mention the book to a friend.
- Or share this blog post via the share buttons below.
- Or Tweet about Darker Still. Did you find something #Denburylicious.
- Or you could click and "Like" the book on the Barnes & Noble product page or via any bookstore platform that has a "Like" or share option.
- Or put Darker Still on a wish list.
- Or you could share something about Darker Still from any of my Facebook community page posts with your Facebook friends by clicking their share button.
- Or you could buy it if you haven't already (It's currently on promotion in your local Barnes & Noble store! Check out their yellow end-cap signs that say something like "buy books and get a book free"!). It's also featured at Indie Bound, due to the Indie Next List ranking.
- Or check your local library and if they haven't ordered DARKER STILL, suggest it for their collection, it's a nice tie-in to classic literature, a big plus for library systems.
- Or use your imagination. :)
Just comment as to how you've shared this first installment in the Magic Most Foul saga with a friend and you'll be entered to be one of THE VERY FIRST PEOPLE IN ALL THE LAND to recieve an ARC of the sequel!! thanks and blessings! Without readers, we writers couldn't be writers. There are no words to express how much we writers appreciate you readers.
CONTEST ENDS 2/15/11 - Winner's name drawn via Random.org from comments below.
I've just tweeted/retweeted your post TWICE! I LOVED Darker Still, and it would be so fabulous to receive an ARC of the sequel!
thanks for this awesome opportunity!
Shared on Facebook and lent - lent, not gave - my copy to a friend. Now to get it back...
I posted this on my facebook page. Darker Still was a great book and I can't wait to read the sequel.
I went my my local library this morning to a High School. During my "pitch" for my blog and the library I told them a great book to read would be... and I mentioned Darker Still :) along with some other books. We spoke to 3 different classrooms so that is some exposure whooot!
supagurlheather @ gmail . com
Shared the post on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/rebeccamherman/status/167334698933170176
rebecca191 at aol.com
This is still on my TBR shelf (and author-signed, w00t!) but I have spread the word a bit.
-I bought a copy at Barnes & Noble (in store) before Christmas to gift to a teen girl.
-I am enthusiastically encouraging my 17 yo daughter to read and have commented thusly on my FB page: http://www.facebook.com/paigevest/posts/379372445411057
-I've RTed the link to this blog post: https://twitter.com/#!/Leannarenee/status/167315295579553792
-I've also +1'd this post on Google!
I'm reachable via Twitter --> https://twitter.com/#!/paigevest
Thanks for the giveaway!
I have been raving about your work since TempleCon. I am so lost in reading your book I almost forgot to sleep! I've also been promoting though facebook and google+, nothing but the best for my new favorite author.
First off I just want to say that I loved Darker Still! :)
I told a group of my friends who like to read about how much I loved Darker Still and how awesome it is. I even got a couple interested who agreed to read it. :)
Thanks for this awesome giveaway I would love to win an ARC of book 2!!
Hey Leanna, it's Emily :) I retweeted about your book today, and I also want to find other ways to shamelessly promote :) stay tuned!
Okay, let's see...Ever since I bought the book, I've been urging my friends and sister to read it, I gave it a 5 star review on goodreads (http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/195003627), and I posted a link to this blog on my tumblr (http://thegoldenruleof666.tumblr.com). Loved Darker Still; thanks for this opportunity!
I tweeted this post. =)I LOVED Darker Still & would love the chance to review THE TWISTED TRAGEDY OF MISS NATALIE STEWART as well!
I made a NOOK wallpaper out of the cover for Darker Still. =)
Wow. Well, here the thing. I reviewed Darker Still on my blog last year (http://talkmusebanter.blogspot.in/2011/12/darker-still-magic-most-foul-1.html) and I'd love to read the next installment. Thanks SO much!
I tweeted a link! Darker Still is in my To Be Read stack as we speak.
I just shared a Facebook post. :) (via Muggle-Born.net facebook ...)
Congrats on the 3-month anniversary! <3
i definitely told my friend about this book. we have the same tastes and i know she'll like it as much as me!
Ah, I'm so excited about this contest! I'm a bit late in commenting, because I was hoping to have time to write up a full review on my blog this week. I still plan to do that soon, but I don't think I'll make the contest deadline, unfortunately. In the meantime, I tweeted on Darker Still Day about how much I loved the book (and about Denburyliciousness, of course!).
I also posted the graphic about the book in the sidebar of my blog: http://www.katrinabender.com
And while I haven't written a full review yet, I posted my Darker Still fan art in my latest blog entry here: http://www.katrinabender.com/2012/02/08/scbwi-conference-report-the-power-of-self-definition/
I hope it helps to promote the book! I also instructed two of my best friends, one of whom is a librarian in training, to read it as soon as possible. (They're really into books, so I know they'll recommend it to their friends too.) But that was before I knew about the contest, so I figured it doesn't technically count. ;)
I can't wait already!!! I talked about your novel in Night Owl Magazine again this month...couldn't resist. *shrug*
You guys are THE BEST! Seriously, your responses and enthusiasm made me cry. I wish I could include everyone. As it stands, I put two names into the randomizer via Random.org and Ren and SupaGurl came out as the winners, thanks everyone for your support, for those of you with review blogs, please look for The Twisted Tragedy of Miss Natalie Stewart on NetGalley starting likely in August, any questions don't hestitate to contact me. Blessings and thanks so much.
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