Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Giveaways galore! Strangely Beautiful! For free!

Okay so since you all are going to need several copies of The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker to give to all your friends and family for the holidays *grin* - here are 3 chances to win one!

1. I'm doing an interview at the gorgeous site featuring Historical releases: THE SEASON.

Check out my interview and follow Beverley's directions on how to enter to win a copy of the book.

2. Tempting Persephone has generously sponsored a giveaway at her gorgeous blog. I'm guest blogging there about Myths and Muses! Check it out, leave a comment to win!

3. And Literary Escapism is featuring me, and a guest blog on why My Vote Goes to the Ghosts! Giveaway here too!!

Go forth! Enter to win! Pass this along, tell your friends!



Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

That's awesome! I want to host a book giveaway too!

You should email me! I'd love you to do a guest post and giveaway! :)

I know you emailed a few weeks ago.... thanks for that!

Leanna Renee Hieber said...

Jessica - you remain ever one of my angels.

Did you see your quote went up in the editorial review section on my Barnes and Noble.com page too? Totally great 'sound bite' quotes!

Will indeed email you.
