To my utter shock and delight, my novella
Dark Nest won the 2009 Prism Award in the novella category.

The Prism is sponsored every year by the
FF & P Chapter of the RWA and presented at The Gathering ceremony to celebrate excellence in Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal Romance. And it just so happens to be one of the prettiest trophies ever created. I've coveted one for years.

Needless to say, I was ridiculously thrilled, hadn't prepared a speech because I didn't imagine I'd need one, and winning next to my
dear friend
Isabo Kelly was icing on an amazing cake. After the awards were presented I had the privelege of being on a panel, upon which I babbled excitedly. Well, no one can say I don't absolutely love what I'm doing.

(From L to R, fellow Prism Winner and fellow
Dorchester author
Colby Hodge,
Isabo Kelly (with baby Destructo) and I)
The next day
Toni McGee Causey creator of one of my favourite characters, Bobbie Faye, took me to lunch and took this, the excitement still not having worn off, clearly...

Thank you to the entire hard-working
FF & P Board and all the Prism judges for making a dream of mine come true.
What a fitting award for two of my favorite people.
It is well deserved and just the start of so many more. I expect to see Leanna in some sci fi (SyFy as it is now called) movie or a story like THE ORPHAN (in the movies now).
I am so happy for you and my IzzyKat.
Congratulations to all the other winners too.. WHOO HOO!!!!
Congrats on your award, hon! I so wish I (and Baby Girl) could've been there to cheer (and kick) you on, but we arrived a little late. Like Friday, late. *sigh* Well, I'm certainly going to do a better job at getting there for your next one. Count on it. ;-)
It's shiny! And pointy!! Had a great time with you all. Thanks for being on the Spontaneous Panel and for the FFP bump!
Congratulations, Leanna! What a unique and gorgeous award! The picture Toni Causey took of you and the award is great.
Congrats on winning! I'll be checking out your novella right now1
Holy mother your novella isn't cheap! I will have to wait to order that. :(
Thanks my friends! Your support means so much to me!
Jessica, I know *frown* print copies of Dark Nest is expensive, I wish it were otherwise. It's the downside of being publishe with an independent press, the print copies are expensive. It's a much cheaper download from the Crescent Moon Press site as an eBook.
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