The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker gets a top rating from BookWenches!

From the BookWenches site:
Reviewed by: Teagan S. Boyd
RATING: 5 - (Excellent. Awesome book! We loved it, and we hope you will too. Here, take it with you...let me know what you thought. Then pass it on to a friend or two.)
Miss Percy Parker is newly arrived at Athens Academy from the convent where she has grown up. Her unusual circumstances as well as her strange appearance have not made life easy for Percy. She is immediately drawn to the enigmatic and mysterious Professor Alexi Rychman, never before has she felt this way. Percy's inordinately pale skin, white tresses, and luminous eyes only add to the strange gift she is vexed with. Percy's life seems to be intertwined with the mysteriously haunting happenings in London. The Ripper is on the loose, and her unfathomable Professor's group called The Guard is trying to rid London of the terrible grip the Ripper holds it in. A Prophecy foretells of the one that will help vanquish the darkness that is befalling London, but everything is not what it seems.
"Strangely Beautiful" is an apt name for this enthralling tale. It encompasses many elements that draw the reader into its intrigue. Suspense, mystery, and the paranormal are all rolled into a historical novel with a gothic flair that will entice the reader and leave her wanting more. I was engulfed within the first few pages of the book and couldn't put it down until I was finished. The story is unique, and I was drawn into the world that Ms. Hieber has created with such vivid detail. I felt as if I was right there with the characters in a real world with a paranormal element that makes you believe in the unbelievable. Ms. Hieber's character Alexi reminds me of a dark, brooding Mr. Darcy. How can anyone resist that? His inner angst and dark resolve is the perfect foil to Percy's timid, deeply emotional lightness. Though I usually avoid stories with timid female characters, Ms. Hieber has created a circumstance that calls for this style of character, and it works wonderfully with the plot. I highly recommend this story to anyone looking for a book with substance and outstanding characters. Ms. Hieber is an artist that puts her art into words. I look forward to reading more by her.
Thanks Teagan! Thanks BookWenches!
More about The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker...
Alexi as a brooding Darcy? Nice!
Great review! I can't wait to read it.
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