Wednesday, September 18, 2024

New Fiction and Upcoming Appearances!

Hello friends,

New fiction and Upcoming Appearances!

Apologies on the delay of this post, I update my social media (Twitter / Instagram / BlueSky) a lot more than the blog. But this year has been crazed, often difficult, with stints of taking care of loved ones in the hospital and more, all while on some of the more intense deadlines of my life.

I also carved out a month to perform in a full, professional theatrical production, the world premiere of Let's Misbehave, where I originated the role of The Countess, a delightfully zany character. It won't be the last you'll see of us. Check out the Let's Misbehave Instagram account to keep updates and check out my Instagram feed for some wonderful pictures and celebration of the show.

New fiction!

BLACKTHORN AND AMBERFIRE is book 1 of a Fantasy Romance novella duology exclusively in digital and audiobook (with me narrating!) via Everand, an amazing new fiction site where I have a host of novellas available, like my sequel to The Spectral City series, called THE SPIRIT SUITOR


The Three Courts of Allforth have lived peacefully for generations, but they all keep a deadly secret that is about to break free…

Blackthorn, the Silvervale Court executioner, has not questioned his duties, he knows he sends the condemned to The Great Dreaming peacefully. He is an Evergreen; one of the rare people able to wield magic past childhood. But when a young boy on his execution table insists that something terrible is going on in their kingdom, Blackthorn secretly spares the boy’s life, asking for proof.

When a beautiful healer from the land of Amberfire, Roseleigh, is brought in to be executed next, Blackthorn hesitates, drawn to her. His death spell rebounds on him and only her healing light can spare him. He leaves the castle for recuperation and learns more about a world in which he was kept ignorant.

BURNINGWOOD AND DEVILSBANE, novella 2, releases 9/24 via Everand!


KENNEBUNK, MAINE: 9/21: 11-4pm

Thrilled to return as a featured guest at the 10th annual Southern Maine Steampunk Fair! - I'll be giving a talk on The Eternal Importance of Ghost Stories in the main lecture-hall area and signing books! Tickets available here


Saturday, October 5th, I'll be part of Sam Baltrusis' MassParaCon! I'll be part of the Women in the Paranormal panel and also discussing A Haunted History of Invisible Women: True Stories of America's Ghosts! Tickets available here

SALEM, MA: 10/6 - 4-5pm

Meet and Greet at Wicked Good Books! - I'll be signing copies of A Haunted History of Invisible Women in-store and answering spectral questions! 

KING MANOR FALL FESTIVAL - QUEENS, NEW YORK:  10/26 - 1-3pm - Free event!

At this incredible historic house museum's Fall Festival, I'll be giving a talk on the importance of Victorian Spiritualism as it relates to the fight for Women's rights and suffrage, discussing Victorian Seance culture and the significance of ghost lore as cultural touchstone. More about King Manor, directions and more, visit here. More about the Fall Festival here

Happy Haunting! 

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